"Politehnica" University of Bucharest
Public universities
"Politehnica" University of Bucharest [Site web]Bucuresti
Faculty of Electrical Engineering [Site web 1] [Site web 2] [Site web 3]Splaiul Independentei 313, sector 6, Bucuresti, cod 060042, corp EA 123
Department of Electrical Engineering
Department of Measurement, Electric and Static Converters
Department of Machinery, Equipment and Electrical Drives
Faculty of Energy [Site web 1] [Site web 2]Splaiul Independentei 313, sector 6, cod postal 060042, Bucuresti, corp EI 101
Catedra de Producerea si Utilizarea Energiei
Catedra de Sisteme Electroenergetice
Hidraulica, Masini Hidraulice si Ingineria Mediului
Faculty of Automation and Computer Science [Site web 1] [Site web 2]Splaiul Independentei 313, cod postal 060042, sector 6, Bucuresti, corp ED 103-105
Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering [Site web]
Department of Automatic Control and Industrial Informatics [Site web]
Department of Computer [Site web]
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology [Site web 1] [Site web 2]B-dul Iuliu Maniu 1-3, cod postal 061071, sector 6, Bucuresti, Local Leu, corp A, et.1
Department of Applied Electronics and Information Engineering
Department of Telecommunications
Department of Devices, Circuits and Electronic Devices
Department of Electronic Technology and Reliability
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics [Site web 1] [Site web 2]Splaiul Independentei 313, cod postal 060042, sector 6, Bucuresti, corp CG 008
Catedra de Mecatronica si mecanica de precizie [Site web]
Catedra de Termotehnica, masini termice si instalatii frigorifice
Catedra de Echipament termomecanic, clasic si nuclear
Catedra de Motoare cu ardere interna
Catedra de Organe de masini si tribologie
Catedra de Echipamente de proces
Faculty of Engineering and Technological Systems Management [Site web 1] [Site web 2]Splaiul Independentei 313, sector 6, cod postal 060042, Bucuresti, corp CD 003
Department of Manufacturing Engineering [Site web]
Department of Machines and Production Systems [Site web]
Department of Strength of Materials [Site web]
Department of Materials Technology and Welding [Site web]
Department of Theory of Mechanisms and Robotics [Site web]
Faculty of Biotechnical Systems Engineering [Site web 1] [Site web 2]Splaiul Independentei 313, sector 6, Bucuresti, cod 060042, corp D 103
Department of Mechanics [Site web]
Department of Biotechnical Systems [Site web]
Faculty of Transportation [Site web 1] [Site web 2]Splaiul Independentei 313, cod postal 060042, sector 6, Bucuresti, Corp JA 003
Department of road vehicles [Site web]
Department of railway rolling stock [Site web]
Department of Transport, traffic and logistics [Site web]
Department of remotes and electronic transport [Site web]
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering [Site web 1] [Site web 2]Str. Polizu 1-7 cod postal 011061, sector 1, Bucuresti, Local Polizu, A 045
Department of Aerospace Sciences "Ele Carafoli"
Aeronautical Systems Engineering Department "Nicolae Tipei"
Department of Graphic and Industrial Design Engineering
Facultatea de Stiinta si Ingineria Materialelor [Site web 1] [Site web 2]Splaiul Independentei 313, sector 6, Bucuresti, cod 060042, corp JA 104-106
Department of Metallic Materials Science, Physical Metallurgy
Department of Engineering and Management Obtaining Metallic Materials
Department of Metallic Materials Processing and Ecometalurgie
Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science [Site web 1] [Site web 2]Str. Polizu 1-7 cod postal 011061 sau Calea Grivitei 132 cod postal 010737, sector 1, Bucuresti, corp L 015
Department of Bioresources and Polymer Science
Department of Analytical Chemistry and Environmental Engineering
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry
Department of General Chemistry
Department of Organic Chemistry "Costin Nenitescu"
Department of Chemical Engineering and Biochemistry
Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Oxide Nanomaterials
Facultatea de Inginerie cu predare in limbi straine [Site web 1] [Site web 2]Splaiul Independentei 313, Bucuresti, 060042, Corp JE 105
Catedra de Inginerie in limbi straine
Catedra de Comunicare in limbi moderne
Catedra UNESCO
Electronica aplicata in limbile engleza, franceza si germana
Ingineria informatiei in limbile engleza si franceza
Inginerie chimica in limbile engleza si franceza
Inginerie economica in domeniul electric in limba germana
Inginerie economica in domeniul mecanic in limba germana
Stiinta materialelor in limbile engleza si franceza
Facultatea de Stiinte Aplicate [Site web 1] [Site web 2]Splaiul Independentei 313, sector 6, Bucuresti, cod 060042, corp BN 105
Catedra de fizica I [Site web]
Catedra de fizica II [Site web]
Catedra de Matematica I [Site web]
Catedra de Matematica II [Site web]
Catedra de Matematica III
Faculty of Medical Engineering [Site web 1] [Site web 2]Splaiul Independentei nr. 313, sector 6, Bucuresti, CP 060042
Department of Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Department of Physical Education and Sport - Physical Therapy [Site web]
Facultatea de Antreprenoriat, Ingineria si Managementul Afacerilor [Site web]Str. Splaiul Independentei 313, Sector 6, Corp BN,
Department of Economic Engineering
Department of Management
Department of Economics

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